Midwest Basement Tech, Inc. is a fully insured specialist in waterproofing and foundation repairs.A family owned business established in 1978.

Basement Waterproofing and Foundation Repair Serving IL, MO, and KY!

Midwest Basement Tech is a fully insured specialist in basement waterproofing and foundation repairs.

Trusting Excellence

Midwest Basement Tech, Inc. is a fully insured specialist in waterproofing and foundation repairs.A family owned business established in 1978. We have viewed thousands of problem foundations over the years. We at Midwest know what will or will not work for your homes foundation. Midwest is a hi-tech specialty firm which utilizes nationally known patented waterproofing and foundation repair methods and materials in addition to providing specialized engineered systems and material usage of our own design. Unlike many of our competitors, you are not limited to one method of repair that may or may not solve your problem.We at Midwest are able to evaluate and recommend the best possible solution for your specific foundation problem.

Homeowners, realty firms, builders, architects and engineers will attest to the quality, reliability and service satisfaction of the firm. Midwest believes in old fashion quality and it shows from start to finish .You will find our team of professionals available to assist you with your homes waterproofing and foundation repair needs.

Guarantees of Substance

Midwest makes available guarantees for your peace of mind that your homes foundation problems have been corrected permanently. All of our guarantees are transferable to subsequent purchasers should you later decide to sell your property.

What Happens If I Delay Service?

Too often homeowners have either ignored or were unaware of a potential water problem or structural damage to their homes foundation. Problems delayed do not go away. In some cases with a foundation the longer they are delayed, the more damage they can cause.Your homes foundation is the structural support of your home; the foundation of your home is no area to begin to neglect. We at Midwest believe every home should have a dry and secure foundation.

How Do I Get Started?

I Do Want To Solve My Home/s Foundation Problems!

Major decisions are difficult for many individuals. However, when it comes to protecting your most valuable asset… your home-it’s crystal clear that you cannot ignore the fact that the foundation has to be made sound and free of water intrusion. If you have not already done so, call Midwest for a free basement inspection and a report of the condition of your foundation. Should water structural damage exist, ask our field inspector to provide you with the different alternative solutions available. We are able to correct most problems from the interior of your foundation thus eliminating expensive and disruptive exterior excavation. By choosing Midwest for your homes foundation repairs, you can be assured of a quality and experienced installation crew who take pride in results.We provide protective covering and barriers in work areas and complete clean up at completion. The staff at Midwest are available to answer any questions you may have and will assure you of the best possible service available.

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